10004 WSAEINTR (The (blocking) call was canceled via WSACancelBlockingCall.) 10009 WSAEBADF 10013 WSAEACCES 10014 WSAEFAULT 10022 WSAEINVAL (The Windows Sockets version specified by the application is not supported by this DLL) 10024 WSAEMFILE (No more file descriptors are available.) 10035 WSAEWOULDBLOCK 10036 WSAEINPROGRESS (A blocking Windows Sockets operation is in progress.) 10037 WSAEALREADY 10038 WSAENOTSOCK 10039 WSAEDESTADDRREQ 10040 WSAEMSGSIZE 10041 WSAEPROTOTYPE (The specified protocol is the wrong type for this socket.) 10042 WSAENOPROTOOPT 10043 WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT (The specified protocol is not supported.) 10044 WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT (The specified socket type is not supported in this address family.) 10045 WSAEOPNOTSUPP 10046 WSAEPFNOSUPPORT 10047 WSAEAFNOSUPPORT (The specified address family is not supported.) 10048 WSAEADDRINUSE 10049 WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL 10050 WSAENETDOWN (The Windows Sockets implementation has detected that the network subsystem has failed.) 10051 WSAENETUNREACH 10052 WSAENETRESET 10053 WSAECONNABORTED 10054 WSAECONNRESET 10055 WSAENOBUFS (No buffer space is available. The socket cannot be created.) 10056 WSAEISCONN 10057 WSAENOTCONN 10058 WSAESHUTDOWN 10059 WSAETOOMANYREFS 10060 WSAETIMEDOUT 10061 WSAECONNREFUSED 10062 WSAELOOP 10063 WSAENAMETOOLONG 10064 WSAEHOSTDOWN 10065 WSAEHOSTUNREACH 10091 WSASYSNOTREADY (Indicates that the underlying network subsystem is not ready for network communication.) 10092 WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED (The version of Windows Sockets API support requested is not provided by this particular Windows Sockets implementation.) 10093 WSANOTINITIALISED (A successful WSAStartup must occur before using this API.) 11001 WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND (Authoritative Answer Host not found.) 11002 WSATRY_AGAIN (Non-Authoritative Host not found, or SERVERFAIL.) 11003 WSANO_RECOVERY (Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP.) 11004 WSANO_DATA (Valid name, no data record of requested type.)